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Bill Bishop's BIG Idea Books

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Create your version of Google, Facebook, Airbnb or Uber

Learn the five-step blueprint for success in the new economy.

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In The New Factory Thinker, Bill Bishop gives you a new and better way to think about your business in the 21st Century.  He teaches you the fundamental business model for the new economy—used by Apple, Google and Facebook—so you can apply these powerful principles in your business. Start building your New Factory now!

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Take full advantage of new technology in your business

Discover how to profitably employ the 29 rules for success in the new economy

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Your future success depends on the wise use of advanced technology such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, algorithms, data analytics, the Blockchain, the Internet of Things, and automation. These technologies also require you to adopt new kinds of business strategies: strategies designed for the future, not the past. Learn how to dance with robots!

The New Factory Thinker Audio Chp 1Bill Bishop
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Dancing With Robots Audio Chp 1Bill Bishop
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Learn unusual proven BIG Idea strategies to sell more

More than 1 million copies sold in 25 countries, translated into 12 languages.

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Based on more than three decades of experience, street-wise entrepreneur Bill Bishop takes you on an hilarious and insightful adventure  across an often weird but wonderful business landscape.  Each chapter is a parable about a real life business problem: such as the time he won a waiter contest by selling 1,400 lobsters. 

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Join Bill & Marketing Mike on more BIG Idea adventures

Sequel to How To Sell A Lobster picks up 20 years later in the "metaverse".

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If you loved How To Sell A Lobster, you will find the sequel a delicious treat for your business.  Marketing Mike comes out of hiding to save the world from Vince Vapour, the owner of the metaverse platform Solnet.  Along the way, Marketing Mike teaches us new and powerful sales and marketing strategies they don't teach in school.

How To Sell A Lobster Audio Chp 1Bill Bishop
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Return Of The Lobster Audio Chp 1Bill Bishop
00:00 / 04:55
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Stand out from the other "penguins" in your industry

Learn how to create and package a BIG Idea to differentiate your business

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Standing out from the competition is the most important marketing objective.  To do this, you need a BIG Idea, something new, better and different that your customers can only get from you.  In this book, Bill explains how to create and package your unique BIG Idea so you can get more customers, and make bigger, more profitable sales. 


Add BIG Idea intangibles to your products and services

Enhance your business by packaging intangible value for your customers

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In Beyond Basketballs, Bill explains how to identify and package invisible, intangible value in your business.  He demonstrates how every company can become a perpetual-motion value creation machine that will never be disrupted or become obsolete.  If you want to super-charge the future of your business, read Beyond Basketballs today!

The Problem With Penguins Audio Chp 1Bill Bishop
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Beyond Basketballs Audio Chp 1Bill Bishop
00:00 / 05:05
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Master the psychological game  of business and life

Overcome the mental roadblocks that are stopping you from your full potential

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In addition to being the BIG Idea Coach, Bill has been a life-long competitive tennis player and coach.  From this experience, Bill learned dozens of psychological strategies that work great on the court, but also apply to business and life in general.  Powerful, insightful, and potentially life changing, Going To The Net will give you greater mental toughness and resilience.

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Taste test some of Bill's most popular BIG Idea book excerpts

A handpicked selection of Bill Bishop's greatest hits

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Bill's BIG Ideas span the spectrum of sales, marketing, branding, future-oriented business strategies, and leading-edge thinking on technology and what works in today's complex marketplace. Get the overview picture in this collection from books like How To Sell A Lobster, The Problem With Penguins, The New Factory Thinker, and Beyond Basketballs.

Going To The Net Audio Chp 1Bill Bishop
00:00 / 04:52
The BIG Idea Anthology Chp 1Bill Bishop
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Gain a competitive advantage  as a new economy advisor

Book explains how to adapt your financial service business for the new economy

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In today's competitive and commoditized financial service marketplace, advisors need to adopt new economy business strategies to provide greater value to their clients. Bill gives you a five-stage blueprint to differentiate your financial service business, enhance your value proposition, and help you take full advantage of the many new economy technologies and business models.

The New Economy Advisor Audio Chp 1Bill Bishop
00:00 / 04:46
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Learn BIG Ideas  for your digital marketing campaign

The first book every written in the world about digital marketing

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In this classic book, Bill lays out the fundamentals of digital marketing; how to ensure that your efforts online are coordinated, on-brand, and effective.  Published in 1996, Strategic Marketing For The Digital Age was published in dozens of countries, and remains to this day the seminal work on the subject of digital marketing.  A must read for every entrepreneur and marketer.

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Take your BIG Idea global using digital technology

How to build a company that spans the globe, right from your laptop

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In this sequel to Strategic Marketing  For The Digital Age, Bill shows how you can scale your business globally using digital and online platforms.  He shows how to develop a global digital marketing plan that delivers value across borders, and accounts for the variety of cultures and market conditions in different countries. If you want to go global, read this book!

Global Editions

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Global Editions

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